Jean-Pierre Goux, founder and president of OneHome presented at Ecole Martel (a preschool in Paris) the images of the Earth a few years ago to five years old kids, including his daugther Lucie.« Kids love to see the Earth. They know all things that we, adults, have forgotten. They know that the Earth belong to all, humans and non-humans. They know that our planet is beautiful, full of life and color. They know that wars and borders are bad concepts. They know that we are all interlinked and interdependent. Just let them speak, you will learn a lot », declare Jean-Pierre Goux.
If you are a teacher or a parent, feel free also to download our videos and to show them in our school to let them develop planetary consciousness. In the Fall, we will release kits for parents and teachers directed to kits of different ages.
Be part of the OneHome community and project these Earth images in schools, conferences, company seminars, public spaces, festivals, artistic performances, meditation, online or offline. Be creative, download our videos and send us your nice photos, we will feature them on our social networks. May the overview effect enlighten many places all over the world!